Where to stay

in Carnelian Bay

We'd like to help you find a place that checks all your boxes.

Travelers to Carnelian Bay like its bars, lake views, and ski areas. If you're an outdoorsy traveler, Agate Bay is a top place to check out. You might also want to check out Tahoe Cross Country Ski Area while you're visiting. Whether you're looking to stay in a trendy neighborhood or you're interested in a more secluded spot, you'll be sure to find your ideal accommodation in Carnelian Bay.

Top places to stay near the slopes

Tahoe North Shore Lodge is a 2-star property with free WiFi that travelers will like for its proximity to shopping and helpful staff. *hotelID*9845712*hotelId*

Best places to stay offering breakfast

Tahoe North Shore Lodge is a well-rated 2-star property with free WiFi and free parking. Guests like its proximity to shopping and helpful staff.

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Best places to stay for couples

Tahoe North Shore Lodge is a property featuring amenities like flat-screen TVs and free WiFi, and couples like its proximity to shopping and helpful staff.

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Best places to stay for families

Tahoe North Shore Lodge is a 2-star property that's a good choice for families. It comes with free parking and free WiFi and is positively rated for its helpful staff and comfortable rooms.

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Best places to stay for travelers on a budget

Tahoe North Shore Lodge is a 2-star property for cost-conscious travelers and includes free WiFi and free parking. Guests appreciate its proximity to shopping and helpful staff. It's located just steps from Lake Tahoe and Gar Woods Grill & Pier.

Recommended hotels

Cities near Carnelian Bay